Le Sallay Academy Scholarships
2024-2025 Scholarship Program
We are dedicated to providing as many educational opportunities as possible. No family should assume that high-quality private education is out of reach. For the academic year 2024-2025, Le Sallay Academy is awarding the following scholarships:
    a scholarship that covers 32% of the tuition cost for new applicants is available until the end of July 2024.
    a partial tuition scholarship for frequently relocating families
    a partial tuition scholarship
    We also provide a full-tuition scholarship for students from Ukraine but are not currently accepting applications because all the available places have been filled. You can fill out a registration form and we will notify you once places become available.
    • 72%
      of our students receive grants and scholarships
    • 20% - 50%
      of overall tuition can be covered by grants
    • 2
      weeks on average are needed to make the final decision after the application was received
    Special Tuition Scholarship
    We are proud to announce the opportunity to accept 10 gifted students on a scholarship that covers 45% of the tuition cost. Proposition is strictly limited and available only until the end of July.

    Thanks to the increasing of Academy funds, based on donations, we got the opportunity to provide places for new incomers with granted tuition. The scholarship is open to all the new applicants until July 2024 and is based on testing and personal interview with the candidate.
    Expatriate Families Scholarship
    Le Sallay is a perfect solution for frequently traveling families: the blended learning model employed at the Le Sallay Academy gives its students a unique opportunity not to change schools even if the family is on the move. At our school, synchronous distance learning and in-person sessions complement each other creating one interactive and engaging experience.

    In 2022 Le Sallay Academy has been short-listed for Relocate Global Award in School Excellence for Relocation.

    We are offering an Expatriate Familie Scholarship to 5 students from families that have moved countries in the past three years or intend to move within the next academic year. In exceptional cases, we are prepared to consider students who need to switch schools in the middle of the academic year.

    The scholarship provides €12,000 towards annual tuition. Travel and visa expenses are not included.

    There are three scholarship slots remaining out of the five and we reserve the right to discontinue accepting applications if all the slots have been filled.

    Your child is eligible to apply if they:

    • Are 10 - 14 years of age

    • Come from a family that has moved countries in the past 3 years. Your child is not keen to change any more schools and you are looking for a more permanent and sustainable solution.

    • Are able to travel to Le Sallay for in-person sessions four times a year and study online for the rest of the year

    • Have an English proficiency level of B2 or higher.
    Application and Selection
    The Expatriate Families Scholarship will be awarded upon evaluation of the following materials:

    • Application Form completed by the parent or guardian.
    • The candidate's written answers that detail the student's interests.
    • Interview with the candidate by the Admissions Committee member(s). The interview is not intended to test the student. We simply want to get to know the candidate and help the family determine if Le Sallay is the right fit for them.

    Interviews are scheduled within one week after the application was submitted. Candidates can expect to be notified within two weeks after the interview.

    Need and Merit-Based Scholarship
    We offer a number of scholarships with varying amounts to students who otherwise would not be able to attend Le Sallay. Scholarships are offered to students who believe that Le Sallay's program will help them achieve their learning goals.

    Your child is eligible to apply if they:

    • Are 10 - 14 years of age
    • Can benefit from Le Sallay Academy's unique approach and advanced curriculum
    • Are able to travel to Le Sallay for in-person sessions four times a year and study online for the rest of the year
    • Have an English proficiency level of B2 or higher
    Application and Selection

    The scholarships will be awarded upon evaluation of the following materials:
    • Application Form completed by the parent or guardian
    • The candidate's written answers that explain the student's interests
    • Interview with the candidate by the Admissions Committee member(s)

    Scholarship recipients can expect to be notified shortly after the final interview with parents.

    About Le Sallay Academy

    Le Sallay Academy is based on a blended learning model: four in-person sessions alternate with online learning sessions. Each of the trimesters opens with a three-week in-person session during which students and teachers meet in France. Following these sessions, students spend two months learning online with their teachers and classmates. We have students from 10 European countries and the United States. Our graduates are admitted to the selective high schools of their choice.